We’ve been asked as church members to pray for the people around the world that “know not God”. At the same time, though, we need to pray for those who have known God, but now feel estranged from Him. I think that sometimes, when we’re experiencing trials, we may think that God has abandoned us, but He will never do that. It is we who stop doing the things that will keep God in our lives. Elder L. Tom Perry said, in the most recent CES Broadcast , that there are four ways to bring people back: (1) Daily prayer, (2) Daily scripture study, (3) Temple worthiness, (4) Daily acts of service. I like what someone has said, “If you want to talk to God, pray, and if you want God to talk to you, read the scriptures”. We’ve had an opportunity this past three months to read the Book of Mormon together as a mission and it’s been a great experience. I’ve also been trying to finish reading the Book of Mormon in Armenian, so I’m into the scriptures for an hour or more a day. Where else, but on a mission, are you able to do such a thing. What a blessing!
Life has been pretty usual as of late: classes, visits with the Institute Council, dinners with Seniors, farewells, meetings and more meetings, but we love it.
Sister P sitting on one of the "thrones" at Erevan Restaurant |
Bidding farewell to VanDykes and Southwicks |
Musicians entertain us at the Erevan Restaurant |
Elder Peterson and I were released from our callings with the Branch on Sunday…well everyone was released. They combined a couple of smaller branches to make one bigger branch. In order for the Armenians to have a temple, they need to have a Stake and before the Stake, there must be wards. In our Yerevan branch, there were almost no active priesthood holders other than the missionaries and the imported branch presidency. To form a ward they need at least 15 active Melchizedek priesthood holders. The Shengavit Branch has more so it was combined with our branch and a new President called. It’s Gagik Avoyan. He will be good and hopefully will move the branch in the direction it needs to go to become a ward. President Avoyan was our first Branch President in Ararat when we first came to Armenia in 2009, so we are somewhat acquainted with him. He’s also the twin brother to Samvel who is the Secretary here at CES to Varuzhan Poghosyan.
On Saturday, we helped with a Branch activity to get all the members of both branches better acquainted with each other. We had them play a get acquainted game that had them talking with each other to find, i.e. someone with blue eyes, the same age, wearing red, a grandmother, seminary student, etc. They seemed to enjoy it…so much that most of them kept the pens I had brought to write with. I had taken the tops off as I heard this would be a deterrent for most people to walking off with your pen (must have been in America)…but no, not in Armenia. I now have almost 50 caps to pens…pretty useless.
Our Branch President (now former) and one of our single young adults is no longer single. He met a girl last September and they were married on Friday. She is from Gorise and not a member of our church, yet, that is. We have great hopes for her. She appears to be a wonderful person and she must be if Narek asked her to be his wife. He invited us and several others over to his home and it was fun to celebrate with him. Sister Carter shared the American tradition that when someone klinks on their glass that it is a sign that the groom needs to kiss the bride. They both blushed a little, but didn’t seem to mind the idea. We also found out that Patrick Walton from our home ward in Provo served in the same mission as Narek. It always seems to be a small world with the church.
Narek and Lillit, married April 1, 2011 at their home |
Friends of Narek and his family gather to celebrate his marriage to Lillit |
Narek and Lillit do an "American" hand pose |
We also made another visit as an Institute Council to Ararat and Artashat. We didn’t have many attendees, but the drive was wonderful as we viewed and smelled the fragrant blossoms of the apricot trees.
Celebrating Spring in Ararat: Sister and Elder Peterson, Elder Peterson, Ani, Aida and Elder Crook |
A registered nest with two stork occupants |
Sister Peterson enjoying a beautiful spring day |
Young adults, missionaries in our Ararat/Artashat IRSC Visit |
We’re looking forward to gathering as missionaries and members next weekend as we listen to General Conference…always a boost to the spirit and a chance to hear the word of God as He speaks to His prophets today.
We love all of you and hope spring has come into your life. Elder Peterson saw some swallows today…so Spring must be on its way.
Sue and one of the other coaches, belly to belly |
Just for fun, this is what's been happening at home. We're excited for new grandbabies and someone else is blossoming.
Patti, A wonderful post!! You are doing such a great work!