Sunday, the 12th, we were able to return to Ararat for a visit. We drove down with President and Sister Carter and about 8 other people. I think we must have looked a little bit like one of the marchutka’s going down the road. Ruben asked Zaven to bring a couple of chairs and we were curious as to why, but then he put them in the luggage area of the van and two people sat there. Too funny!
It was wonderful to see and give hugs and kisses to the people in Ararat. We missed not seeing LaLa and Marietta, but there were some new faces and more men, so was a good Sunday. We were able to come home and enjoy a more American style dinner (pot roast, potatoes, carrots and gravy) and even shared some with a couple of missionaries. One of them has only been here a few weeks, so he literally “wolfed” it down…a taste of home, not long past.
Our home away from home is decorated with a small tree and a bunch of lights, so we’re hoping this gets us more into the Christmas spirit. It was our turn for Family Home Evening with the other couples on Monday (13th) so we invited them over for butternut squash soup and fresh bread (from the bakery, not by my hand). As part of the evening, Elder Peterson read from 3rd Nephi in the Book of Mormon, and shared those scriptures relating to the Saviors birth (I really love 3 Nephi 1:13-14.”Lift up your head and be of good cheer; for behold, the time is at hand, and on this night shall the sign be given, and on the morrow come I into the world, to show unto the world that I will fulfil all that which I have caused to be spoken by the mouth of my holy prophets….behold, the time is at hand, and this night shall the sign be given.”) We all then shared our memories of Christmas as children and also with our own families.
Elder Peterson asked me what I wanted for Christmas and inasmuch as the washer had quit working and the vacuum was useless without a bag. So, that is what I said I wanted…sort of like the clean house I always asked for in years past. Well, Christmas came early as our young branch president, Narek, took a look at the washer, made the repair in very short order and then went shopping and FOUND disposable vacuum bags. It helps that he is Armenian and knows where to look in the city to find needed items. So, we’re in good shape for Christmas.
Zara, Santa and Tatev at YSA Party |
3-D Snowflakes decorating YSA Party |
YSA from Georgia |
The week of Christmas was definitely a week of celebration. All of the activities we did, as well as being fun, also included some of the spiritual side of Christmas which helped us to focus on the real reason we celebrate Christ’s birth…the marvelous gift that he would later give us, his atonement and resurrection, which will enable all of us, if we endure to the end, to be with Him again.
On the 23rd, the Young Single Adults had their Christmas celebration. The YSA’s did a great job of planning and preparing and we helped where we could. They organized the program to first have a devotional and talked of Christ and spiritual things, and then they shared their talents, played games, had a visit from Santa, ate delicious food (prepared by YSA leadership), and even found time for some dancing. We had youth from every branch, I think, including a couple who made the long trip from Georgia. As is the custom, it was a rather long party. We started around noon and finally ended around 7 p.m. The nice thing was that we didn’t have a lot of decorations to take down as the next activities we were involved with asked to use them…so just some dishes and some vacuuming. The other senior couples were so great to help…they are people who know how to organize and get things done in quick order.
Elder Jonas and Stutz, white elephants |
President Carter and his "prize" to be used at MP Seminar |
Good Balance, Elder |
Seniors share their talents in Armenian |
The 24th was the South Zone Conference and another wonderful event. We first feasted spiritually and then had a lot of good food prepared by all the missionaries (both old and young). Games and a white elephant exchange added to the fun. The elders also shared their talents and we all loved the “chipmunk Christmas “ song. Sister Ferguson is one of the best chipmunks I’ve seen. This was only a 5 hour party, but then we headed to the Institute for movie and dance night…only for a change we didn’t dance, just watched movies and shared treats.
Elder and Sister VanDyke |
Aram and Elder Zebley |
The 25th was a time for the senior missionaries to gather at the mission home where President and Sister Carter prepared a delicious turkey for us. The other seniors shared things from home (across the water), so we even had pumpkin pie, cranberries, and delicious fudge (by you know who). Some talents were shared, Christmas carols sung; we even decorated gingerbread houses. We then departed for an even greater experience. Three recent converts chose this day to be baptized (one from our branch)…so yet another opportunity to feel the spirit. Right after that, we had been invited to attend a branch activity. The missionaries had worked really hard with the branch members to have an activity focused on Christ. The chapel was filled with pictures of Christ illustrating all of the many ways he served and loved the people. Video presentations interspersed with music and talks from members dressed as people from earlier Bible times, helped us to love and appreciate our Savior more and understand the real meaning of Christmas. At the end of that evening, we were able to Skype with most of our children (JaneAnne and family were enroute from Las Vegas to Portland) and share part of their Christmas mornings. We surely do love our family…and we miss them and we miss all of you, but are grateful to have this wonderful opportunity to share our love of the Savior with the people of Armenia. He lives!
I'm glad you had a good Christmas. Those parties sound exhausting!
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas to you too! We love you and miss you (not just your fudge-- but YOU!)
ReplyDeleteWe're all well and loved talking with David yesterday from Peru! It has been so wonderful to have Alicia home with us this year and we feel the joy of missionaries home and missionaries in the full swing of serving and blessing the lives of others. Thank you for all your love and service and testimony!
Much love,
Cheri, Bryan and family
Thanks for sharing your postings. And Merry Christmas to you also. This is actually VERLA posting this. We haven't walked outside for a while. Last Tues. we had over 11 inches of snow ON THE ROADS! GREAT NEWS! Our daughter Rachel had her interview with President Jackson today and submitted her mission papers. Now we wait for the letter to come to find out where the Lord wants her to serve.